About Featured Posts

Featured posts are paid posting opportunities on JobsBozeman.com. They allow you to reach more potential applicants through improved site positioning, longer posting duration, and a slot on our email list.

You can see what services are offered with each tier of featured posts using the table below!

Free Bronze Silver Gold
Price $0 $20 $35 $50
Duration 14 days 30 days 60 days 60 days
Goes live in... 3-4 days 24 hours 24 hours 24 hours
Featured on page? Yes! Yes! Yes!
Included in monthly newsletter? Yes! Yes! Yes!
One Free Job Repost (On Request) Yes! Yes!
Featured in monthly newsletter? Yes!

Posting more than one job?

We'd be happy to work with you on a bulk rate. Contact us at jobs.bozeman@gmail.com to learn more!